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tv   11 News Today  NBC  June 7, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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>> a stunning confession from a congressman. the think anthony wiener should lose his job -- do you think it's a winner should lose his job? that is our water cooler question today. >> another name thrown into the ring to challenge stephanie rawlings-blake for mayor. >> looks like summer is arriving early, again. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. >> and i am stan stovall. thank you for joining us this morning. >> tony pann has a check of the forecast. nice right now. >> the heat will be out tomorrow and on thursday. they, not bad. you made still in the --
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humidity still in the comfortable range. the per metric pressure is falling -- barometric pressure is falling. would have a chance for a shower or thunderstorm this afternoon. we'll come back and check the seven-day forecast. >> a couple of problems already. we have an accident southbound on the harrisburg expressway just past timonium road. for delays just past timonium road on the harrisburg expressway. down to 5 miles per hour because clearing construction. we will give the live view of those delays any moment. conway street is shut down between light street and charles streets.
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take mlk from 395 to get into town. we have late-clearing construction. 11 minutes on the outer loop west side. the outer loop west side is moving well here. the backup on the outer loop north the side. it will get worse. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> new york representative anthony wiener it admits to sending receive photos of themselves over twitter. >> kate amara joins us live with calls for an investigation. good morning. >> democratic leaders want to know if representative anthony wiener violated and the house ethics rules. the congressman pledged cooperation. >> i have not told the truth.
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>> congressman anthony wiener admitted to sending a lewd photos to a college student in seattle. he had claimed a hacker was to blame. he said he meant to send the message as a direct message. sent explicit photos and messages with six women and said he will not resign. >> i accept responsibility for this. people who draw conclusions about me are free to do so. i have been in politics for 20 years and i hope they see fit to see this in the light that this is, is deeply regrettable mistake. >> said he used his personal computers and black bear and never met any of the women in person -computer- some blackberry.
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kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. not using government computers were front men to protect him from house phones. member must reflect itself in a manner that reflects credibly on the house. that general rule has been cited when it lawmaker did violate the standards of conduct. >> kate amara, thank you. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. do you think congressman anthony weiner should resign for sending inappropriate pictures and lying about it? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> the controversial conservative former u.s. senator is the latest to throw his hat into the presidential ring. rick santorum got congress to
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intervene in the right-to-life case. the former pennsylvania senator says he was motivated to run in light of president obama's failure to turn around the u.s. economy. catherine pugh represents baltimore in annapolis. now she says she wants to lead from city hall. she wants to cut property taxes in half. >> we will create the kind of incentives that we've created for police, fire, and teachers, getting those people to live in our city. as you well know, they get something like a $5,000 tax break to live in the city. >> she is the fifth person to foreman announced that she will run against stephanie rawlings- blake. >> defense attorneys will present their case this morning.
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witnesses described the scene outside the lounge back in 2009 when gahiji tshamba allegedly fired 13 shots hitting tyrone brown 12 times. tammy brown said he in a properly padded a woman outside the club. tshamba intervene in an open fire. >> remembered certain things when questioned by the state. but one question by the defense, it took some time to get the facts out that contradicted what to tell the state. >> defense said tshamba shot brown in self-defense. >> police of looking for a man who entered a woman's group and tried to sexual assaults her. police say preston climb through the window back in april.
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one with information on his whereabouts should call metro crime stoppers. police have arrested a third brother for double murder in pikesville. police hector linares and his brothers shot and killed to swo men. >> the man who shot and killed a pit bull is speaking out about the incident. he said he was forced to kill the dog after it attacked his own dog. he was worried about the safety of his stock but his family. >> i was like, grab your dog. i was still backing up. i put myself between the dogs and my kids. he had my dog by the neck. i shot the dog. >> he says he has a permit to carry the weapon.
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>> residents and business owners are speaking out about a plan to increase tolls in maryland. jennifer franciotti has more. >> nearly 100 residents came together last night to protest the proposed toll increase that would affect maryland state bridges and the hatem memorial bridge. demonstrators included doctors, veterans, and other professionals. they consider what the state wants to do with tolls over route 40 highway robbery. locals have had the unique option of purchasing a decal each year. it allows on the mid trips across the bridge. the toll is currently $5. the tell whole this would have to purchase an e-zpass.
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it would add up to pick $54 a year. residents are galvanized. >> if they don't back down on this, we're going to be filing suit against the state of maryland for what they're doing. >> a rally organizers want organize and to lock onto it website to lodge their protests. there will be two public heings in the month of june for residents to attend and we have more coming up live at 6:30. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> 63 degrees on tv hill. all sorts of products claiming to save you money at the pump, but can you believe them? >> a frightening find it in a committee pond. >> a ski resort is used to being
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covered in powder, but not this kind. >> the heat will make the major headlines. >> traffic is parked on the beltway. really know wh
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>> welcome back. 12 minutes after 6:00. much cooler in the suburbs. temperatures in the upper 50's and below 60's away from the city.
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62 in parkton. 66 in rock hall. we should make it into the 80's today. a high of about 88. we're watching a system come down from the great lakes. it may free beautiful sunsets. -- it made for a beautiful sunset. we could see some showers and thunderstorms this afternoon in baltimore. this will cut through central pennsylvania. if it holds together, we could see some rain later in baltimore. this is a system we talked about yesterday. it does look as organized. but this could develop into a tropical storm. if it does, its name would be arlene. some
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computer models taken up the east coast of the united states. a mixture of sunshine and a few clouds today. more and more humid with a high temperature around 80 degrees. sky as well cleared late. -- skies will clear late. index will be around 100 -- heat index will be around 100. we have a chance for a thunderstorm thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday. 6:14. >> we have some heavy delays in two spots. one is the harrisburg expressway. have an accident within that delay. in the meantime, we're looking
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at a very jam-packed ride on the north side outer loop. that stretches back to problems. that is because of late-clearing construction. it is jamming conditions in that area. moisture it is closed because of ongoing road work -- conway street is closed because of ongoing road worke. this is the harrisburg expressway, north of the beltway. police are on the scene of this accident. it is taken up the left lane. take york road as your alternate. >> the effects of that massive wildfire in arizona now being felt in one of the region's largest city.
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albuquerque issued an air quality alert. incoming flights have to be diverted. 200,000 acres have been consumed by that fire. snow removal equipment is being used to clear a blanket of ash several inches thick. some flights have been grounded. an alligator is found a long way from the everglades. was in a pond and long island. this could pose a serious threats. someone may have kept the reptile as a pet. will be moved will license facility in massachusetts. >> the postal service has an age
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verification service. it is intended adjustment over the age of 21 sun for a legal entrance of that delivered through the mail. it is only available for select types of mail. plenty of devices that claim to see the money on gas. experts say don't believe the hype. one she because of an item that claims to save on gas -- you should be cautious of any item that claims to save on gas. jane king has the bloomberg business report. >> the u.s. air force is testing out apple ipads. in a preferred place the -- and
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it replaced the traditional charts and manuals. the airforce is not the only federal agency testing of the device. the justice department has moved to get more of them. it's retreated unconcern of the strength of the u.s. economy. the bloomberg maryland index falling on losses for the united therapeutics. since tend to not do as well on states with higher than average levels of unemployment. issues tend to have students that performed poorly. school districts get their money from property taxes. i'm jane king for wbal-tv 11 news. >> if you have had shoulder
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pain, you know how disabling it can be. a procedure is making life better for many people. >> only your range of motion. go out to the side like this. >> sharon could not do any of those movements if you months ago without excruciating pain. >> it heard at night when i tried to sleep. i was having a problem blowing my hair, getting dressed. became a quality of life issue. >> this doctor said this is what a shoulder looks like with severe arthritis and bone or a rubbingo on bone.
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that must be painful. >> we have a good solution. the patient with a chronic rotator cuff tear the was not repairable. >> he is talking about this prosthesis. you had good results with this. >> it is remarkable how well patients do. >> that is true for sharon. per surge was two months ago -- her surgery was six months ago. >> the things i could not do before, i can do now and there is no pain. >> donna hamilton, wbal-tv 11 news. >> now she throws a 95 miles per
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hour fastball. >> the orioles take on the oakland a's and welcome their newest addition to the master. keith mills has more. -- to the nest. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers.
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning to you. sarah caldwell checking on your
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morning commute. it is busy at there. another accident in anne arundel county. of the jam-packed right southbound on the harrisburg expressway. and now extant on the left lane. -- an accident on the left lane. on the gallup north side come late clearing construction still in place -- on the outer loop north side, some late clearing construction still in place. delays stretch back to harford road., st conway street shut down between light and charles. harrisburg expressway. the accident scene on the left lane pass timonium street.
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that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> so for a nice start for us weather-wise. the butchers of the upper 50's and low 60's. 56 in york, pa. -- temperatures in the upper 50's and low 60's. heat is on in the seven-day forecast. here is keith mills. >> thank you, tony. the orioles get another win and another first-round draft pick. the orioles select dylan bundy. in the bt as -- then they beat the a's. brian matusz was good enough.
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he pitched into the sixth and got the win. is vlad guerrero -- this is vlad guerrero. robert andino scores. matt wieters continues to produce. derrek lee comes home. 2-0 orioles. hit. markakis, clutch base sai nick later made a nice play in the field. 4-2, orioles win. >> there is a lot to hitting. much is going up and swing away --not just going up and swing
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away. try to have a good approach. hitting in getting your work in and hopefully things will turn around. >> nick markakis was a first- round draft pick in 2003. dylan bundy was the overall fourth round of the picked. he celebrated with his family. he is considered the best pitcher. hard-throwing right-hander. brother bob one last line for the keys -- brother bob won last night for the keys. vancouver loses to boston last night, 8-1. buzz about a new kid on the
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block. >> 63 degrees on tv hill. >> residents unhappy with proposed toll lane increase stage a protest in the northern part of the state. >> our conversation with president obama. from troop drawdowns to the state of the economy. >> we have some major delays on the beltway
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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back. i am stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thank you for joining us this morning. tony pann has a quick look at today's forecast. >> so far so good. temperatures in the low to mid 60's's. we will make up to 88. the heat is on. i will show the seven-day
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forecast coming up. >> state officials consider in toleratel >> jennifer franciotti has more on this story. >> residents are not happy with these proposed toll rates. yesterday's protest had to do with a bridge and was stays in harford and cecil county. the protest rally united scores of residents from harford and cecil counties. demonstrators included business people, retirees, veterans, doctors, and other professionals. they consider what the state wants to do with the tolls at the bridge over route 40 highway robbery. >> got to stand up here in cecil county and say, enough is enough. >> since 1976, locals have had the unique option of purchasing a $10 decal each year. it allows unlimited trips across the bridge.
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the toll here is currently $5. state officials are not only considering increasing all the tolls, but requiring decal holders to purchase an e-zpass. the state would provide a special base rate of $36 a year, but add the $1.50 monthly maintenance fee, and it adds up to $54 a year. their proposal has galvanized residents and elected officials, as well. >> if they don't back down on this, we're going to be filing suit against the state of maryland for what they're doing. >> i will tell you that this state takes hundreds of millions of federal dollars, highway dollars every year and they squander them instead of spending than in the way they should. then they come back to you for more. >> many question why a toll is necessary since the 70-year-old bridge is already paid for. they view the bridge as linking two main streets. >> it affects everybody. it affects every person that lives in cecil county and in harford county. >> we're up against a no-sales- tax state.
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we're going to charge the people to come into cecil county to buy our products and our services. >> for residents who like to weigh in on these, there will be to the public hearings scheduled. the first a bit harford county 1916. i will be in cecil county on june 22. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> police will be keeping an eye out for aggressive drivers. the number of patrol cars hitting the streets will increase. it is estimated 2/3 of traffic deaths are caused by aggressive driving. >> slots revenues have slipped in maryland. $13.2 million was brought in during the month of may. the casino at ocean downs
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generated more than $3.6 million last month. casinos have broader more than $90 million -- the casinos have brought in more than $90 million. >> it rich formation of shell. mini earthquakes are created when drilling for the shell. there is a possibility of water contamination. drilling will bring money to the staid. >> angela merkel will be welcomed at the white house today. >> the white house may consider a sharp drawdown of forces from afghanistan. kate amara asked the president about that. >> the president said by killing osama bin laden and stabilizing much of afghanistan, it is time
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to recognize we have accomplished a big chunk of our mission. president barack obama says he's nearing a decision on how many troops to withdraw from afghanistan next month. >> what i've said is this summer is the summer of transitiion where we start handing over more responsibility for the security of afghanistan to the afghan government. >> we sat down with the president monday, shortly after his meeting with his national security team and amid breaking news overseas. five american soldiers killed when a rocket hit a base in baghdad. >> we had a heartbreaking loss in iraq. >> we asked whether the developments might need a steeper drawdown. >> currently, we are slated to have all our troops out of iraq by the end of this year. with respect to afghanistan, i'll be making an announcement soon. >> but it was eventst here at home, specifically the latest economic news, that dominated our conversation. when we look at the 9.1% unemployment rate, we know that thte public sector is shedding tens of thousands of jobs a month. we're talking about teachers,
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firefigherters, police officers. are there plans for additional aid to state and local governments? what are you telling these jurisdictions? >> state and local governments are going to have to make some tough decisions. i don't forsee us giving a huge bunch of help from the federal government, because we got to get our own books balanced. >> the president said he's confident the deadlock with republicans over the debt ceiling anad spending can be resolved. it will take compromises on both sides. kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> looking at a mess into spots on the area roads. you may want to consider york road as an alternate. we have an accident just pass timonium taking up the left lane. those delays continued down to the beltway. jam-packed
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approaching harford on the harrisburg expressway in the envelope. this is because of late clearing construction. this is the end result as volume continues to build in that area. a nice ride on the rest of the major roadways with one exception. for delays in emeril county on 97 south -- for delays in anne arundel county. everything running smoothly after the delay. this is the harrisburg expressway. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. tony has the check on the forecasts. >> we will do the seven-day forecast this time. 61 degrees at the airport. temperature is are fairly comfortable --
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temperatures are fairly comfortable. the heat comes in on wednesday and thursday. scattered thunderstorms are possible going into the beginning of the weekend. low 80's on saturday and sunday. >> 63 degrees on tv hill. a famous plane made its way down a maryland highway yesterday
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>> if famous plane make his way through maryland this morning. >> this is the plane that
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landed on the hudson river. people got to see it up close. >> i saw it in the paper on sunday. >> getting a closer look is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. >> i have been texting my friends. >> perryville is a rest stop. is going to north carolina on a flatbed trucks. >> i was astonished i got to sit in puerson. figure had to cut and try to find it. >> it was solace from the hudson river -- it was salvaged from the hudson river. sully sullenberger saved all passengers and crew members on board when safely landed the plane in the water.
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>> who didn't follow the story when it was on the news? i thought it was an interesting story to survive an airplane crash and to land in the hudson river. >> the wings and tail sections were removed for transport. it will be reassembled and its final destination, carolinas aviation museum in charlotte. >> i just wanted to say, i saw it. >> these folks are taking all the pictures they can and cherishing this opportunity. >> this is an event. >> the plane will make it short stop in virginia tomorrow before arriving in charlotte by the end of the week. >> it is an impressive sight. >> i guess you could furnish up
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a picture. >> i suppose you could do that. >>-- i guess you could photoshop a picture. >> clear to partly cloudy skies. >> clear to partly cloudy skies. 61 at the [ male announcer ] baltimore.
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a city that's been inspiring ideas and innovation since 1729. at bank of america, we live, work and help serve the community here through hundreds of branches and atms. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion.
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from supporting the university of maryland medical center... to the restoration of the hippodrome theater and american brewery building. because when you're giving, lending and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. >> welcome back. police are searching for a man they say it entered a woman's room and tried to sexually assault her. faces first-degree sex offenses and burglary. police say he climbed through the window of the home bacchan april. -- back in april.
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anyone with information should call metro crime stoppers. gahiji tshamba allegedly fired 13 shots heading tyrone brown 12 times. tammy dodge said he inappropriate patted a woman outside the club. the defense tshamba shot brown in self- defense. catherine pugh wants to leave from city hall. said she can cut property taxes in have and wants to get people to live and work in to the city. will run against stephanie rawlings-blake. >> now the tearful apology. the new york congressman admits to sending a lewd picture.
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tracie potts has more. >> the picture was of me, and i sent it. i am deeply sorry for the pain this has caused my wife and our family. >> new york congressman anthony wiener admits no one hacked his twitter account. he sent a lewd photo of himself to a college student, then panicked and lied when he realized he accidentally posted it publicly. turns out, it wasn't his first time sexting. >> for the past few years, i have engaged in several inappropriate conversations conducted over twitter, facebook, e-mail, and occasionally on the phone with women i have met online. >> a conservative activist broke the story and has more photos he claims are wiener. nbc has not verified them. >> we only wrote the story after a sitting congressman claimed that his computer system had been invaded by a hack. >> how damaging is this to democrats? >> there is an embarrassment level here that is going to be very hard for him to maintain
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public trust and responsibility. >> if you're a donor, are you going to be jumping to write anthony wiener a check at this point? >> house minority leader nancy pelosi's calling for an ethics investigation. wiener says he'll cooperate, but won't step down. wiener had been considered a rising star on capitol hill. some analysts think he can still keep his job. from capitol hill, i'm tracie potts, wbal-tv 11 news. >> that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. >> this morning we asked -- do you think congressman anthony weiner should resign for sending inappropriate pictures and lying about it?
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>> we will post more of your answers on the front page of >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning to you. still recovering from that earlier construction. this was only out of the north side. speak is are now about 7 miles per hour as he approached the harrisburg expressway. cell phone a harrisburg expressway, still a bit of a delay. the accident at timonium is now gone. conway street will be closed for
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the next two weeks. it's a fire department activity at monroe streets. still recovering from the outer loop west stretched. eight minutes from 75 to the 83's. not moving much at harford over towards 83. is it near the harrisburg expressway. looking better than we last checked. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> the temperatures in the upper 50's and low 60's earlier this morning. 63 in randallstown. 61 degrees at the airport. mid to upper 80's today in most areas. some-clout spilling out of pennsylvania -- some high, thin
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cloud spilling out of pennsylvania. we'll keep an eye on this cluster of thunderstorms. if it holds together, it will come to maryland in the mid to late afternoon hours. we have a chance for showers and the -- hours and thunderstorms for that time. this system is not as impressive as it was 24 hours ago. a plane will be sent to investigate. if it becomes a tropical storm, its name would be arlene. some computer models ticket across cuba and up the southeast coast -- computer models take it across cuba. high temperature in the upper 80's. clearing up this evening.
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here comes the heat. mid 90's wednesday and thursday. scattered thunderstorms are in the forecast. it should cool off. low 80's by saturday and sunday. folks >> in harford and cecil county wants to know they're protesting a toll hike. jennifer franciotti has more. >> residents are not happy about these toll increases. residents are concerned about toll increase that the hatem memorial bridge. veterans, doctors, and many other professionals consider what the state wants to do highway robbery. locals have had the unique option of purchasing a $10 decal
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which allows unlimited trips across the bridge. decal holders will be required to purchase an e-zpass. will be a monthly maintenance fee and that what add up to $54 a year. there is a website for folks to go to. residents should go to list their complaints. there are two public hearings scheduled, in harford county, another in cecil county. reporting live, jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> here is meredith vieira for a look at what is coming up next on the "today" show. >> good morning. fallout from congressman anthony wiener's stock and an admission he sent inappropriate pictures
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and messages to six women he met online. this scandal cost him his job? we will have the latest. sarah ferguson opens up in a live interview about rebuilding her life and missing out on the royal wedding. how to make things work with 19 kids? the family will be right here to tell us. that and much more ahead when we get started this morning right here on "today." >> 63 degrees on tv hill. >> we will come back and check on weather and traffic together before you head out to start your day. your day. stay with
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>> what is happening on the beltway? >> that construction was supposed to be gone at 5:00 a.m. some on happy motorists. the delays for expected belair road. construction is clear. southbound 83, we had an earlier accident. some delays developing on the west side. conway street is closed. >> a nice break from the extreme heat. >> today is not bad. there could be some rain this afternoon. heat index of around 100 tomorrow. don't forget, tune to am 1090 to
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hear traffic and weather together on the fives. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we will be back with a live update at 7:25.
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